The Alchemists – How To Convert Iron Into Blood

As viewed and interpreted from an alien spacecraft TV
Rant by: Me — Jul, 2023

Visit the killing fields of Ukraine and see for yourself.  Watch the live action in progress. The intent, I guess, is to fertilize the fields – blood & iron. 

In 10,000 years, this is probably how archeologists and paleontologists will interpret their findings.

The Devil Laughed – The Angels Laughed

The devil laughed, because he knew life had no meaning; the angels, as they flew over, laughed too, knowing what the meaning was.
Quote by: Milan Kundera / Economist magzine — Jul, 2023

The devil laughed, because he knew life had no meaning; the angels, as they flew over, laughed too, knowing what the meaning was. – Milan Kundera

Make the entire world a DMZ

Rant by: David Crellen / Palm Desert, CA — September 2021

There’s no such thing as a “humane” war …

“… global activism pushed to make the laws of war, either ignored or permissive before, more humane in content and honored in practice …” – NYT 9/3/2021

My take: This is bullshit!/

Culture was not politics

Why are they cross-contanimated?
Rant by: David — Jun, 2023

But politics has now encroached upon culture. I abhor extreme culture of any sort. This is not a political statement. But I hope we, as a people, understand what is happening to us.

The loathsome combination of church and state is the root of most of the world’s ills

Quote by: Thomas Jefferson / Monticello, VA — January 29, 1815

Dear Sir. Your letter of Dec. 20. was 4. weeks on it’s way to me. I thank you for it: for altho founded on a misconception, it is evidence of that friendly concern for my peace and welfare which I have ever believed you to feel. of publishing a book on religion, my dear Sir, I never had an idea. I

Imagine being a fish in a reservoir whose dam just collapsed.

Ponder by: David — Jun, 2023

Imagine being a fish in a reservoir whose dam just collapsed. And you are cognizant of it. Would you jump with joy at the thought of imminent freedom – or cry with fear that your safe haven is gone?

If it is not right do not do it; if it is not true do not say it.

Pax Romana
Quote by: Marcus Aurelius — 161 - 180 CE (AD)

Marcus Aurelius was emperor of Ancient Rome the only time peace and happiness reigned. They called that era PAX ROMANA. He was a stoic philosopher.

“If you don’t know what you want for yourself, then you’ll never, never get there.”

“You’ll always be deterred.” – Alicia Keys
Quote by: Alicia Keys — 2001

“If you don’t know what you want for yourself, then you’ll never, never get there … You’ll always be deterred.” Alicia Keys told Oprah at age 20. Now she preaches this self-determination.

“Hell’s Kitchen,” a musical inspired by the singer-songwriter’s teenage years in New York, is set to open Off

Money is the Adam’s apple in the 21st century

So don't eat that apple – Don't bank it, either – It's already rotten!
Rant by: David Crellen — Dec, 2023

Who wins in America? And who loses in America?

Ponder by: David — Aug, 2023

Who wins? The PAC fund managers, Tech Billionaires, lobbyists, and bankers are all WINNERS
Who Loses? We citizens are the LOSERS
Since when? Since 1775