Apple, of course, had a lot to show off on Monday. It was like introducing an exciting new sports car. They had to show off the style: how the revolutionary fender design cut the airflow, how the revolutionary paint protects from the sun and vastly improves the mileage. Plus, the breathtaking

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Apple Intelligence

June is busting out all over June is busting out all over

She Flew the Flue

June 1: She Flew The Flue.

It all started late yesterday afternoon when a crazy-weird noise emanated from the TV, It sounded like someone was stumbling and thumping in a metal duct. Finley was immediately up and at ’em — staring at the TV. .

… But the TV was not on! …

Actually, the crazy noise was coming from the fireplace situated directly behind the TV. The thumping came with a lot of chirping! Turns out that a bird fell down the chimney!

I had the flue closed as we are no longer using the fireplace. It was a big deal to move the 55-inch TV, but I was able to reach into the pit and open the flue. I saw a feathered wing as the bird panicked within. But it wouldn’t move. One time, I saw its claws. But then there was total silence for the rest of the day into the night. Sadly, I thought it had died of a heart attack. We went to bed, leaving the TV ajar.

In the middle of the night, I was awakened by what I thought was Finley frantically scratching himself. I got up only to find him soundly asleep.

Frantic birdThis morning I saw what the ruckus was about. The bird had escaped the flue and was frantically trying to escape via a closed kitchen window, Finley, frantic and frustrated, watching.

Flies be damned, I opened all the doors. And I walked up to the apparently healthy bird. It finally took off to frantically fly around the 10-12-foot high great room ceiling. Perhaps crazy Finley was making it stay high. It finally came to rest on the window ledge above our front door.

What to do. In my previous home, I would get my pool net and scoop it up. Aha, I’ll get my rake and chase it until it finally goes out. I raised the rake to the ledge – nothing. Then, like magic, the bird calmly stepped onto the rake! Imagine that! I lowered it to the open door – nothing. I carried it outside. Finally, the bird jumped off the rake and onto my outdoor chandelier, where it stayed a long while, like saying thank you and goodbye.

The bird is freeFinally – off it went!!  It’s probably one of the songbirds that eat the 2-pounds of seed I feed daily. Occasionally, they sit on the chimney edge and serenade us through the fireplace. Perhaps it was singing an operatic aria when it leans back to embellish ‘con brio!’ and tutti benito, down it went!

It's the challenge of the Lions and the Lambs. Shall we watch?

January 2024 January 2024

January 2024

Let's see how this year goes. Shall we?

December 2023 December 2023

December 2023

It's time to take care of loose ends. Clear the books, so to speak. 

Karen and LexieThat means to think of how well the year has gone for you. Don't think of any of the bad things. That'll ruin the magic of the season and take all the bubbles out of your New Years Eve champagne.

My year went well. My wife, Karen, is as loving as always. I'm pleased with my progress with my projects Quantaverse, Polar Express, Boring Shipping, and CRIPTC.

Happy Holidays

Looking forward, I will be more active writing articles and stories for my website. Meanwhile, enjoy the season and Happy Holidays from my family to yours.

 More importantly, I hope to see a more positive and sensible governments – worldwide. Where peace is a real word that EVERYONE takes seriously. We, the people of the world, have so much to do than to waste our people, resources and minds on the mere task of surviving the hatred and bigotry that's now engulfing the world.

Let's do more than think peace – let's focus on saving we the people and the world in general. This earth and everything in it is too precious to squander it away.

Give Peace a Chance
Give Peace a Chance


November 2023 November 2023

November 2023

November brings Gears to mind:

  • Switch gears to Standard Time
  • Time to gear up for Winter
  • What gear do you want for Christmas

But it's also the season for wrenches falling into the gears …

Día de Los MuertosAt least for me it aptly begins as DIA DE LOS MUERTOS (Day of The Dead) – my birthdayMom, did you think I was a wrench in the works?

 I've lost my first wife, several friends and more than one of my dogs.And, in northern Germany, it used to be called the Gray Month for similar reasons along with it being mostly overcast and, indeed, gray.

But November is also the time to lighten up:

It's the beginning of a very festive season – 

DAVID'S BIRTHDAY - I'll be #^%# years old!

ELECTION DAY in America – this day is reserved for voting in our democratic society. If this is so democratic, why do we always think our next elected officials will be crooked? And why is this day olways on a Tuesday where most people need to take time off from their work? … I know why but really don't want to talk about it in the interest of maintaining soemwhat political neutrality on my site. Just a dig: Joe Biden's birthday is in November … "🎼Happy birthday to Joe …"

VEtERANS DAY – AKA ARMISTICE DAY – celebrates the end of The Great War … Hmmm… What was so great about it. It was only one of many severe wars in the 20th Century – And the 21st Century is off to a greater start!

American THANKSGIVING DAY – The Pilgrims in Massachusetts supposedly celebrated the year's successful  harvest (in the snow?) and the blessing of their new home (stolen from the indigenous people?) It's crazy to have this on a Thursday when many of us must be bright and shiny the at work the next day. The Canadian Thanksgiving Day is the most realistic as it celebrates the real end of harvest in September – AND on a more realistic Sunday.

The, of course, comes BLACK FRIDAY where you can happily empty your wallet if you don't mind waiting in line to spend it. I wonder if merchants still think of it as a black bottom-line day.

FIBONACCI DAY is also in November. That's g a great day to just curl up in a Fibonacci Sequence inside an empty Nautilus shell and forget about the rest of the world!

Fibonacci Nautilus

America’s Competitive Edge
How to smoothly adapt the metric system

This is a reflective commentary on America's resistance to adopting the metric system, using Japan's post-war innovation and adaptation as a juxtaposition. It recounts Japan's successful transition to self-sufficiency in various industries, which played a significant role in its rise to become a major economic power. The text suggests that America's reluctance to convert to the metric system, despite the practical benefits demonstrated by other countries, is a form of self-inflicted isolation that limits its competitiveness in the global market.

The author proposes a novel approach to easing the United States into metrication through the use of 'similes' – approximate conversions of imperial measurements to metric ones, which retain the familiarity of the imperial system while bridging the gap to the metric standard. For instance, the author suggests renaming a meter as a "yarder," a quarter meter as a "footer," and a tenth of a footer as an "incher," with the use of a caret (^) to denote these new metric similes.

This adaptation is aimed at simplifying the understanding of metric measurements for those accustomed to the imperial system, possibly mitigating the resistance to change by presenting the metric system in a more relatable format. The author stresses the importance of embracing this change to ensure America does not fall behind in international trade and competitiveness.

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Artificial Rules – artwork by DALL•E

Haunting October – PhotoArt by David Crellen Haunting October – PhotoArt by David Crellen

October 2023

Mona on fall leaves with ballOctober should be a calming month. The leaves are falling. The fall colors are showing. The fall transition weather should be gentler. We, in the northern hemisphere temperate zone will be bundling up.

Halloween Lady with FriendLet's hope the feds won't be playing any tricks on us. Let's hope the world's troubles ease up allowing we to enjoy our year's harvests. Let's hope we can enjoy a nice treat at the end of the month instead of a nasty trick.

Talking about trick-playing, it was down to the wire. I'm talking about congress' game of Kick-the-Can which, at the last MOMENT, it was kicked down the time-runway to treat our Thanksgiving Day with this crazy game. I suppose that if Kevin McCarthy keeps his job we may squeak by. But … no guarantees on that.

Keeping The World's Far Right
Who's paying them?

 it’s obvious that Putin OWNS the far right throughout the world. 

What has he promised besides help to gain power? Is there hidden money behind this? Does Matt Gaetz have a hidden Swiss bank account? 

I think Congress should investigate – Put him into the same Hunter Biden investigation.

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Is Gaetz On Track?

September Mushrooms - Photo art by David Crellen September Mushrooms - Photo art by David Crellen

September 2023

As a month that will metamorphose from an unbearable summer into, hopefully, a calming Autumn, September has begun as scheduled. The inhuman summer temperatures here in Coachella Valley has suddenly lowered by as much as ten degrees. Most importantly, the mornings are now below 80 making morning exercise and run bearable.

Let's hope the real world – plus politics – begin to lose its restlessness and succumb to a relaxing autumn atmosphere.

Term limits be damned
President Carter doesn’t follow any rules.

Mr. Carter as defied rules – and death – many times over his life as a farmer, a US Navy officer, a President, as a lover and savior of people, as a human being! He has a very high Emotinal Intelligence.

Instead of a memorial service he could not attend, Mr. Carter has experienced a living eulogy

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President Jimmy Carter - almost 99 years

The Quiet Struggle of Being Overlooked

I feel like I provide a breath of fresh air to some people's thinking. But, alas, I find they won't leave their cigar-smoke-filled tavern. This tavern represents the comfortable, familiar confines of their own echo chambers. There, the intoxicating haze of similar opinions and ideas surrounds them

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Smoky Tavern

The True Meaning Of Fail-Safe
Can you trust others?

"Welcome to Flight 120. In case of an emergency landing overwater, you will find a flotation device under your seat. Grab it and follow instructions to exit. In case of emergency landing over land, the back of your seat is a parachute. Just tighten your seatbelt. Then grab the upper seat belt straps that will appear. Pull them tightly around your chest. Make sure they are tight. the pilot will automatically release your parachute and you will be ejected prior to the crash, er, emergency landing."

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Rough Skies Ahead - photo by David Crellen

Material World
We humans are too materialistic.

Why do we humans look at life so materialistically? 

What is material? Material is nothing but the other side of Einstein's equation for relativity:

"Energy equals Mass (material) times the square of the speed of light"

E = MC2

Our mind provides the energy that puts the mess, er, mass together.

C2 means

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Material World photoart by David Crellen

August Flight Pattern August Flight Pattern photo by David Crellen

August 2023

We're not going anywhere this August. The entire world is way too hot – temperture AND politicature!

Russia's Rouble Declines A Further 30%
Does this mean Russian oligarch billionaires are now mere multimillionaires?

The Rouble has declined 100% since Putin's vicious invasion of Ukraine.  I wonder how much longer the Oligarchs can tolerate their fiscal disenfranchisement, meaning their ability to travel the world as an emperor – these days it's more like emperors without clothes. Ha ha.

Plus, their toys have

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Photo: Elena Fairytale, Pexels

DeSantis And his "Federal Law Enforcement” vs “House Judicial Committee”
Let's play with paraphrasing DeSantis' rant.

On August 2, The New York Times published a piece about Ron DeSantis rant in support of Donald Trumps ongoing legal problems. He is attempting to exonerate Trump by blaming our own national pride of constitution as gone awry.

Here is a paragraph from the article: “The weaponization of federal law

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DeSantis And his "Federal Law Enforcement” rant

From Twitter to eXcretes!
How Tweets become a big pile of eXcretion

eXcretingWill Tweet posts now be called eXcretes? So guess what the act of “tweeting” must now be called? And, on this same theme, I can imagine a collection of posts being called “a pile of …” What’s this world coming to?

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July 2023 Valle Guadalupe, Baja California Vineyards photo: David Crellen

July 2023

Dateline, Palm Desert, CA – July will be the hottest July on record in the Northern Hemisphere – (don't worry, southerners. Yours will come in six months).

It's almost too hot to write, or to be writing creatively, in this crippling heat. Here in the Coachella Valley it's been well above 45 degrees (113°f) all month long. (Sorry, Phenix, we outlast you with the heat.)


American Circuits on Russian Missiles!
Targets are programmed on Xilinx FPGAs!

This is a huge wakeup call for me.

The PBS Newshour on July 21, 2023 broadcast an article about how Ukranian military are deconstructing Russian missiles after they have destroyed buildings and killed people in Ukraine. Here is the video: Parts made by U.S. companies used to build Russian cruise

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Russian Missile with American Computer

Baking Lessons
When it sizzles is not my way of losing one's mind

The 121-degree, windless sun was baking Ralph's parking lot and the self-created breeze hurt my face as I walked to the store. 

I can think of a more fun way fo going mad. But I had to shop for our dinner. Many restaurants close during the summer months in the Coachella Valley as the snow-birds

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Sizzling Parrot by David Crellen

June Eclipse June Eclipse, San Diego, CA - photo by David Crellen

June 2023

Dateline, Palm Desert, CA – June begins to get hot as summer rolls in. Average temps here excede 100 degrees. 

Several important events occur here in America in June in addition to the beginning of summer. These include Flag Day commemorating the 1777 adoption of the stars and stripes as our national emblem and the relatively new Juneteenth Day which, on June 19, 1865, finally recognizes the 1863 passage of the emmancipation of all slavery in America.

Juneteenth is more than a commemeration of a distant event. It is a scary reminder of the cultural pressures that still persist here in this country  The acceptance of freedom from slavery is not the only freedom in question.

Juneteenth Day
It’s scary where our culture is today and where it's headed

Cancel KnowledgeIt seems like the 1863-1865 era when many white Americans refused to accept the emancipation of black Americans. Today, a particular sector of society refuses to get not only the emancipation of all our rights to freedom of thought and deed but wants to eliminate the true knowledge of our history.

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Cancel Knowledge

Are they ever coming home? Are they ever coming home?

May 2023

Dateline, Palm Desert, CA – May's weather here in the desert begins as a refreshing 20• to 25• in the day (around 13• over night). It's the time for the golfers to enjoy their game and for Finley, Lexie and I to enjoy our daily runs. 

But by the end ov the month we'll be experiencing an unlivable 40• to 45•! That's when all sane people should emigrate from the valley if they can. In another month many of the nicer restaurants will close for the summer months. … Not nice!

Number Magic Bubbles
or - Found: money in the mattress

The Pentagon's Money Bubble
The Pentagon's Money Bubble

The Pentagon says $3 billion more for Ukraine was 

discovered due to an accounting mistake.. What kind of accountant works for the gov? I wish my accountant could find even a thousand-dollar error in my favor! I never took any accounting classes, but I've often wondered if there is a class called

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Bubble Magic – photograph by David Crellen

Nanotechnology Industries
A peak into the industrial future

I've been watching an uber-interesting course on about Nanotechnology. Its application is especially suitable to the medical field, where the technology can produce miniature devices (thousands of them could fit across a single human hair!). These can be made to carry payloads of

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Nono Loading Dock – photograph by David Crellen